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Be organised


I'm a list maker. A crosser-outer. I even add things to my daily lists that I have already done, just so I can cross them off!

I found I don't need a desktop diary (that's what my digital devices are for), but I was sick of having several notebooks flying about the place and sticky labels, and my goodness, what happened if I threw out a list that I had scribbled important info onto?...

Bring on my weekly planner/list maker. It doesn't have too many lines (10 things is my maximum in a day) It only has Monday to Friday (weekends are non work days for me) and it's small enough to fit on my dek without being cumbersome (and large enough not to get lost!)

Any notes phone numbers that I may need to scribble down (and perhaps find later that week - or month even), I jot down on the blank page at the top which is effectively the reverse of the week before.


  1. Download the PFD file located up HERE

  2. Print onto A4 paper (I printed 40 single sided pages).

  3. Trim the printed sheets in half long wise to create 80 pages measuring 297mm wide by 105mm high.

  4. Add half of a card backing (I didn't bother with a plastic binding cover as its always folded but the card backing doed add a little strength).

  5. Add binding along the top.

I took the file on a flash drive to my local stationery printer and got them to do the lot for just under $7.

On your way - off you go - be organised!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This item is for a digital file for DIY printing. Please do not claim these designs as your ownDesign copyright remains with Fluid Ink Letterpress.Do not alter the files in any way, Shape or form.Not for large commercial uses or business, including the digital or online market. You may not in any way share, resell images or use these designs for mass production. You are also not to sell it as a digital download file, or claim and distribute this artwork piece as your own work.By downloading this file you agree to the terms listed above.

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